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The Importance of Taking Care of Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Time to talk 

Time to talk

No one was exempt from the stress, heartache, and emotional rollercoaster that has come from this pandemic. 

How did COVID-19 affect the mental health of the entire world? From the coronavirus to severe natural disasters, death, and quarantine times, America’s mental health took a hard hit. 

Things were very different before COVID-19 took place. There was always stress and mental health disorders, but things took a turn for the worst during the pandemic. 

How did COVID-19 Affect the United States? 

While COVID-19 affected the entire world, America was hit pretty hard as well. One study showed that the jump in anxiety and depression was around 30% higher in January 2021, one year after COVID-19 hit the United States [source]. 

Along with anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm increased among those who showed the symptoms of anxiety or depression. Around 70% shared how isolation from quarantine played a major part in their mental health. 

Adults were not the only ones hit; many teens and young adults have started to suffer now more than ever before. School and friends play a big part in a teenager’s life. When that got taken away, their mental health began to decline. 

Not planning for their future makes them feel even more afraid of what the future holds. This, in turn, hugely impacted America’s youth [source]. 

How did COVID-19 Affect the World? 

The entire world faced many of the same struggles as America did with the pandemic. Anxiety and depression rose worldwide. 

In Europe, a big part of their mental health crisis was due to the closure of public transportation. These closures greatly impacted their anxiety. 

Worldwide, anxiety and depression rose 21-24% during the pandemic. In Asia, they only rose 18%. Before COVID-19, the rate was less than 4%. 

While the rates are different in every country, no one was exempt from the mental health crisis from this pandemic [source]. 

Why is it Important to Know? 

It is crucial to know these facts about the mental health of everyone around the globe. Without this information, we cannot move forward. We must know what is wrong to help improve this crisis. 

How to Promote Mental Health to Everyone 

Sharing is caring 

Sharing is caring

Even though things are still on lockdown and restricted in many areas of the world, we can still do plenty of things to help our mental health. 

If you notice anyone struggling with their mental health right now, get them to see someone regardless of their age. Whether it is their doctor or a therapist, getting the help they need as soon as possible will help them recover and gain their happiness back faster. 

Here are some ways to promote mental health for each age category. 


Children thrive on being with friends in social settings and activities. Kids are struggling with their mental health because they don’t have those times anymore. 

To still encourage friendships and gatherings with safety precautions, you can do Zoom parties or virtual get-togethers. These help children still explore friendships. 

There are also countless virtual tours of places all over the world. Children can still be adventurous and have field trips, just in a virtual setting. 

Children also thrive on daily routines. While staying at home or the differences in their schooling, create a COVID-19 based routine. This will help your child stay focused and pick them back up on their feet. 

One of the best things you can do is to simply talk to your children. Teach them about this pandemic and share with them the tools you use to help with your mental health. Leading by example is one strong way to teach your children good mental health practices [source]. 


Again, teens also thrive with friends, so go easy on them if they are on their phones a lot more now. Encourage them to reach out to friends and keep those interactions going. Help them to create new routines. 

Teens are at an age where they can find their own ways to relieve stress and practice good mental health. Guide them and encourage them to make a list of things that helps them calm down and stay happy. 

Teenagers also are at an age where they like to look things up. Finding misinformation can further increase their anxiety. Teach them how to find the facts and help them avoid speculation, and other unnecessary things found all over social media. 


There are so many resources for adults to help overcome their anxiety and depression. Seeing a therapist or your doctor will help tremendously. Going to a therapist is now accepted more than ever before, but it still can be scary. 

Nowadays, therapy sessions are mainly virtual, which helps those suffering from anxiety greatly. If seeing a therapist face to face is too daunting, try some mental health apps with chat therapists. 

Make sure to do a little every single day to take care of your mental health. Meditation and deep breathing exercises are great tools to further help guide you along. 

If your mental health is declining due to financial reasons related to the pandemic, try creating a financial plan. The pandemic will go away, and so will your financial struggles. Look for opportunities in your community to help you while you get back up on your feet. Having that plan in place will give you the hope you need to move forward. 


The elderly have a high risk of suicide. The risk is greater for those who don’t have spouses or families close by. To best help the elderly, keep in contact with your parents, grandparents, and even family friends who are older. Write notes and call often if you cannot see them in person. The elderly can also benefit from new routines and therapy sessions. 

Do all you can to help those around you. Even though we are still struggling with the pandemic, there are ways to help relieve your stress, anxiety, and depression. As we come together and look out for each other, we can help solve the mental health crisis that came from the pandemic! 

6 thoughts on “The Importance of Taking Care of Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic”

  1. Avatar photo

    Mental health is more important now than ever before; it impacts every area of our lives. Thank you for the great article.

  2. Avatar photo

    Good quality education is the foundation of health and well-being. For people to lead healthy and productive lives, they need the knowledge to prevent sickness and disease. Thank you, Caring Worldwide Founder and team, for going above and beyond to serve the community and educate people across the country and the globe.

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