
Adult Obesity in Clark County, Washington

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Adult obesity is one of the most major health issues in the United States that affects everyone regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, n.d.), obesity rates were higher in populations with lower income and lower education families. African Americans (49.6%) have a higher rate of obesity, followed by Hispanics (44.8%), non-Hispanic White with (42.2%), and non-Hispanic Asians (17.4%).  

Clark County is the 5th most populous county in Washington State (Clark County, Washington, 2018). Adult obesity-related to lack of access to healthy food is also a prevalence of health issues in the county. Based on the recent data from the county health ranking, Clark county has an obesity rate of 31%, where the State has only 28%, and the Nation has 26% only. Compare to those data, Clark county tends to have the highest rate of obesity in Adults (County Health Ranking and Roadmaps, 2020). It can lead to many health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.

The target populations in Clark County are adults 18 years or older, and both male and female. As I said earlier, obesity effects all genders and races; however, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander(46.2%) has the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in my county, followed by Hispanics (42.4%), American Indian (32.1%), White (29.4%), and Black (27.0%).

Demographics Table

(Place Title of SDOH here) Statistics/facts Summary of statistics/facts Source for statistics/facts
Demographic Information(Provide 2 or more  statistics/facts associated with demographics for SDOH in the column to the right) Adult obesity rate. USA- 26%Washington-28%Clark County- 31% Higher prevalence of adult obesity in Clark county. (County Health Ranking & Roadmaps, 2020).
 The adult obesity rate in King County, which in teh neighboring county of Clark county- 28% Lower prevalence of adult obesity than Clark County. (County Health Ranking & Roadmaps, 2020).
Risk Factors(Provide 2 or more statistics/facts regarding risk factors associated with SDOH in teh column to teh right).  The prevalence of obesity 20 to 39 years- 40%  The community environment plays a major role to bring obesity in adults. For example, a person may not walk or bike to a store or work due to a lack of sidewalk or bike trails. Therefore, it is very important to create a healthy environment that makes it easier to engage in physical activities and eat healthy foods to reduce obesity. (CDC, n.d.)
Age, sex, ethnicity According to Clark county data, Pacific Islander tends to have more physical health problems from genetic, engineered junk food or lifestyle.  (Clark County Washington, 2018).
Trends in SDOH Over Recent Year(s)(Provide 2 or more statistics/facts associated wif trends in SDOH over a recent year(s) in the column to the right.)      
-Overall, adult obesity is going down in Clark county compare to WA, State level (2018-2019)Male (29.9%) tend to have a higher obesity rate TEMPthan female (27.9%) their TEMPhas been an overall decline in adult obesity in Clark County.The male ratio is going high. (Clark, County, Washingtion, 2018).(Clark, County, Washington, 2018).

Ways to Reduce Obesity 

There are many ways we can address the issues to reduce adult obesity in the community. One of the biggest recommendations would be educating people about the importance of healthy eating versus unhealthy eating. Another way for the local and state government is to add more sidewalks and bike paths in the lower-income area where people quickly access and utilize these services.

Consume less processed and sugary foods

According to a 2016 study trusted Source published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming processed and ultra-processed foods is linked to a higher risk of obesity. Many processed foods are high in fat, salt, and sugar, which can encourage overeating.

Eat more servings of vegetables and fruits.

The daily recommendation for fruit and vegetable intake is five to nine servings per day for adults. Filling the plate with veggies and fruit can help keep calories reasonable and reduce overeating risk.

Eat plenty of dietary fiber.

Studies continue to show that dietary fiber plays a role in weight maintenance. One 2012 trialTrusted Source found that people who took a fiber complex supplement three times daily for 12 weeks lost up to 5 percent of their body weight.

Focus on eating low–glycemic index foods

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale used to measure how quickly a food item will raise your blood sugar. Focusing on low-GI foods can help keep blood sugar levels steadier. Keeping your blood glucose levels steady can help with weight management.

Get the family involved in the journey.

Social support isn’t just for children and teens — it’s important for adults to feel supported too. Whether cooking with family or going on walks with friends, getting people involved can encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Engage in regular aerobic activity

Incorporating regular physical activity into you’re schedule is important for maintaining or losing weight, among other benefits. The CDCTrusted Source recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.

Incorporate a weight training regimen

Weight training is just as important to weight maintenance as an aerobic activity. In addition to weekly aerobic activity, WHO recommends weight training involves all you’re major muscles at least two times per week.

Focus on reducing daily stress

Stress can have many effects on the body and mind. A 2012 study trusted Source suggests that stress may trigger a brain response that changes eating patterns and leads to cravings for high-calorie foods. Eating too many high-calorie foods can contribute to the development of obesity.

Learn how to food budget and meal prep

It’s much easier to grocery shop for healthy foods when you have a plan. Creating a food budget and list for you’re shopping trips can help avoid temptations for unhealthy foods. Also, prepping meals can allow you to have ready-to-go healthy meals.

Why does prevention matter?

Preventing obesity plays an important role in good health. Obesity is associated with your a long list of chronic health conditions, many of which become more difficult to treat over time. These conditions include:

By focusing on obesity prevention and lifestyle changes, it may be possible to slow or prevent these diseases’ development

1 thought on “Adult Obesity in Clark County, Washington”

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