Losing weight requires eating mixed nutritious food, cutting calories, and being staying active but if your cabinet or pantry is stacked with delicious junk food, it makes it more challenging for you to shred your waistline. Although this food on the list looks very innocent looking it has lots of empty calories which slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.
1. Potatoes Chips
Potato chips are made with processed carbohydrates food, and adding refine oil which is highly inflammatory. Refined oils are vegetable oil, seed oil, and nuts oils. It contains polyunsaturated fat if eaten lots that give you water retention to the body which leads to adding extra pounds.
If you would like to add healthy food, instead of fried food, boiled potatoes will be a good substitute which has good carbohydrates and make you feel satisfied.
2. Candy Bars
Candy bars are extremely unhealthy. They pack a lot of added sugar, added oils, and refined flour into a small package.Candy bars are high in calories and low in nutrients. An average-sized candy bar covered in chocolate can contain around 200–300 calories, and extra-large bars may contain even more (15Trusted Source).
Unfortunately, you can find candy bars everywhere. They are even strategically placed in stores in order to tempt consumers into buying them impulsively.
If you are craving a snack, eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts instead.
3.Pastries, Cookies and Cakes
The holiday session is here and it is very hard for us to keep that food away. It’s ok to have that food once in a while. Be mindful those food are packed with unhealthy ingredients like added sugar and refined flour and sometimes trans fat. Also are not very satisfying, and you will likely become hungry very quickly after eating these high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
If you’re craving something sweet, reach for a piece of dark chocolate instead.
4. White pasta and bread
White pasta or bread that people make using refined wheat flour is typically high in calories and carbohydrates but low in fiber, protein, and other nutrients.
Whole-grain varieties of pasta and bread are readily available. These generally contain more fiber and nutrients than white varieties, which can make them more filling and healthful.
The ingredients label should list a whole-grain flour as the main type of flour. Some examples include whole-wheat flour, brown rice flour, and whole-rye flour.
5. Energy and granola bars
Although energy and granola bars are often rich in fiber and protein, they can sometimes contain as much sugar as a candy bar.
More healthful snack options include:
- sliced apple with peanut butter
- mixed nuts
- Greek yogurt with berries
- a hard-boiled egg
6.. Sweetened yogurt
Many people consider yogurt to be healthful food for weight loss. Greek yogurt, in particular, contains protein, and the bacterial cultures in yogurt may aid digestion. However, with so many different types of yogurt available, it is important to read the nutrition labels.
It is best to avoid sugar- or honey-sweetened yogurts. Fat-free yogurts are especially likely to contain added sugars.
Look for Greek yogurt without added sugar and sprinkle fresh berries on the top for flavor.
7. Processed meat
Processed meat includes meat that manufacturers have either:
- dried
- smoked
- fermented
- canned
- otherwise processed and preserved
Examples of processed meats include bacon, jerky, hot dogs, salami, and ham. These types of meat are often high in salt and low in nutrients. They also tend to be calorie-dense compared with lean protein sources, such as poultry, fish, and beans.
When trying to lose weight or maintain a healthful weight, it is important to choose the right foods and to avoid those that are calorie-dense but high in fiber, protein, and other healthful nutrients.
Sister ,I don’t eat any of these . Even I don’t eat junk then why I’m always gaining weight ? Please write a blog about this please. I don’t if you understood but please…
Weight gain can be extremely frustrating when we don’t know what’s causing it. While diet typically plays a vital role, others factors- including work routine, lifestyle, sleep, activity levels, mental stress levels, and hormonal changes all have a important roles as well. Please follow our blogs for more information and insights.
Ok, thank you ❤️
Extremely useful information. Thank you.