Mental health is wealth, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month which is celebrated in May. Still, people hesitate to seek help or even talk about it with their loved ones to be judged or face unnecessary backlash. That’s why today, we can see a rising number of mental health problems around the globe. Yet, with this, we are also observing an increase in the reports showcasing a globe struggling with their mental health more than ever.
We are still facing challenges in dealing with mental health concerns within our society. And there are several limitations that interplay here.
Mental Health’s Persistent Stigma
An estimated increase in mental health conditions to about 17 % was observed by the World Health Organization in 2017. And this statistic is reflective of only the cases that were recorded. Another startling statistic within this same report was that 20% of children live with a mental health condition.
These numbers beg to question, why is there still an increase rather than a proportionate decrease in mental health challenges when we have more accessible healthcare and information?
Exploring this question reveals that within societies at large, there is still a huge gap in understanding one’s mental health and approaching healthcare for the same. Additionally, society has not made it conducive for individuals to speak openly about struggles with their mental health.
As the pace of life grows quicker, everyone is working harder to catch up. People are pushed to explore spaces outside their comfort zones, which is increasing the burden on the fragile global mental health. People who express an inability to cope within this framework are often shunned from progress, further worsening the impact.
Stigma for mental health is often assessed at two forefronts: self and social.
Limitations Posed With Mental Health Stigma
Social constructs methodically ostracize individuals that express concerns about their mental health. They are less likely to get jobs, have friends or even receive housing. These individuals also refrain from opting for healthcare for themselves, be it for both physical and mental health concerns.
These are observations made in the urban dwellings. When we shift the gaze to the rural sections, we observe that receiving basic healthcare is considered a luxury. Within the rural sections of the globe, the stigma surrounding mental health is often higher. The repercussions of identifying a mental health concern can mean isolation and rejection from the community or tribe. While mental health concerns can vastly differ when considering rural vs urban societies, the scope of management is lower in rural areas.
In several countries around the globe, the number of mental health professionals that are available as well as accessible is extremely limited. India is one such example where there are 0.75 psychiatrists per 100,000 people. Within the country as well discrimination in the advocacy of mental health is observed in different regions.
In the United States, over 26 million individuals with struggles relating to their mental health are going untreated. Health insurance and policies also have minimal coverage for managing mental health concerns. There are also limitations observed in the types of treatments individuals can access which include inpatient therapy, medications, and counseling sessions.
A gender-specific view also reveals dismal statistics. One such example is the high rates of depression among women in the Middle East. Several factors contribute here, particularly the evolving involvement of women within the economy within these regions along with the cultural impact that contributes.
When considering specific demographics, a review of data in Nepal showcased that about 10 to 51 % of children and adolescents experience Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in areas of Kathmandu that were affected by earthquakes. Another statistic within the same data review showed that emotional and behavioral struggles among homeless children can be as high as 28.6%. And all this data is of the few that is available to access for those conducted among children and adolescents. Studies and even identification of mental health struggles among children are scarce across the globe.
A lot of what we are seeing is based on the fact that individuals still struggle with discussing their mental health concerns. Society has not enabled open discussions within safe spaces which can provide avenues for the help they might require. Even within the infrastructure, such as schools, jobs, or even within family units, clocking out for a mental health condition, which is unseen, is not given the same platform as a seen physical health condition.
Repercussions For The Future of Mental Health
Anyone struggling with a mental health condition is working at a lower than optimal level. Which indirectly affects the functioning of society on the whole.
In The United States, in the year 2019, suicide was observed as the tenth leading cause of death. Globally, in the same year, it was the 17th leading cause of death. This WHO record also observed that 77% of suicides occur in middle and lower-income countries. And this is a direct consequence of mental health conditions that have not sought enough attention.
Without the proper infrastructure to manage the mental health concerns within the society, several individuals are unable to contribute back to their respective societies. Bringing down the progress of the whole community unit.
Caregiver mental health is another aspect that is not adequately explored. This is often the women within households, taking on the several non-ending lists of tasks. Additionally, health care providers do not have adequate assistance to tackle their mental health concerns considering they are patient-centric day in and out.
All this minimizes the care that is given out back into the society
The Changes We Need To Make As A Society
An initial step that should be taken to address the stigma that is present in society, is to accept that to move forward together, action should be communal.
Individuals should start to educate themselves on how affected mental health can impact daily function. Mental health struggles reflect the loss of productivity, loss of interest, isolation, physical health consequences, and loss of life. Education also enables individuals to watch out for signs that may require help.
Becoming more mindful of how conversations are conducted is next. Public stigma on mental health is one of the prime reasons mental health receives so little care. Listening and engaging in conversation is often one of the first steps that encourage individuals to seek assistance.
A national mental health survey documented that about 90% of 14 to 22-year-olds are researching and reaching out for information within the online spaces when it comes to their mental health. Of particular interest are the stories people share online on the realities of how mental health impacts one’s well-being. This implies that the information that is put out should be researched and factual. Sharing stories often encourages others to come forward. And more importantly, seek help without shame.
Finally, it is crucial to consider approaching mental health with basic empathy. Compassion goes a long way in solving a lot of our mental health struggles. A focal point to consider is how little listening is happening in our world today. Which has halted the solving of basic stressors in everyday life.
While everyone is finding the first position in the rat race of daily life, it is vital that as a society we take a few steps back and reflect on how worth it this truly is. Losing ourselves in the process can cost so much more in the long run.